
Location and Size:
The Maldives are located in the Indian Ocean.  They are a group of small islands just south west of India.  These islands are spread out over 35,000 square miles and is about 600 miles long, the majority of that being ocean.  However, the largest island is 8 kilometers long. 1,192 coral reefs help make up the islands. It is very significant to the country because they create atolls. Atolls are islands made out of coral shaped in a ring. The Maldives are composed of 26 atolls in a double chain.

No rivers exist on these small islands, but they do have marshes and lakes, no matter how small. The terrain here is perfect for a tropical getaway: flat, with white sandy beaches, and 644 kilometers of coastline. The Maldives are composed of inhabited islands and even more uninhabited. Those that are inhabited are able to grow much vegetation and lots of fruit. The uninhabited unfortunately consist of grasses and bushes, and sometimes the rogue coconut tree. The terrain is also composed of small forrests of mangroves that are protected by the government.

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1 comment:

  1. In class a student brought up that National Geographic said if all of the ice caps melted the ocean could rise to the point it would wipe out the Maldives!
