
Climate Type:
The Maldives has a tropical climate, and is uniform across all the small islands that make up the country. A tropical climate consists of hot weather and humid air.  They are effected by monsoons creating a dry and wet season.

The annual range of temperature for Male is 1 degree Celsius (28-27).  For Diego Garcia, which is 1000 miles south of the Maldives, the range is 2 degrees Celsius (28-26).  Denver has a range of 22 degrees Celsius (23-1).  The annual range of precipitation for Male is 193 mm (244-51).  Diego Garcia's range is 176 mm (347-171).  Denver has a range of 46 mm (58-12).
Male does not experience much seasonality when it comes to temperature, it stays relatively the same year round, unlike Denver, and is also much warmer.  However, as far as precipitation it is extreme seasonality.  Again with always much more precipitation than Denver.  The Maldives are effected by the monsoons.  The southwest monsoon creates the wet season, and the northeast monsoon creates the dry season.

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